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March 2023 NEXUS NEWS


Hey there, NEXUS Community! Let's talk hip stability. We've all heard our rear-end referred to as our "gluteus maximus," but did you know that there are also gluteus medius and gluteus minimus muscles? These muscles help stabilize our hips and help prevent compensation in other areas. The gluteus medius and minimus are the primary muscles that control leg abduction at the hip joint (moving the leg away from the body) as well as hip rotation. Weakness in the gluteus medius and minimus can result in lower back pain, leg pain, knee pain, and in extreme cases, can cause Plantar Fasciitis. Long periods of sitting (i.e. having a desk job), can quickly result in weakened gluteus medius and minimus muscles. Luckily, you have friends that know how to assist with this issue! Come see us today!

Paleo is short for Paleolithic which is taken from our ancestral dietary patterns. In today’s world, this represents “clean eating”. A Paleo challenge is about eating whole foods that provide better fuel to our body while avoiding processed, refined, and poor nutritional foods. Thus, a Paleo challenge helps reset our Digestive health with clean eating over 30-days.

Science shows that doing a Paleo 30 provides amazing benefits to our physical, emotional, and mental health!

How do you ask?

Well, our stomach is known as the second brain for a reason! Although it can't compose poetry or solve equations, this extensive network uses the same chemicals and cells as the brain to help us digest and keep alert when something is wrong. Thus, keeping our digestive tract healthy and happy with clean eating, keeps our body safe and sound.

*The challenge starts March 26th with our first Food Prep Sunday Funday to officially launch the Paleo 30 off on March 27th - April 26th!

*For those of your who plan to participate in the 1st NEXUS Competition on April 29th, this challenge is highly encouraged as it is designed to get you at your personal best!

Please pick and register for the Package Level you would like. LINKS BELOW

The ACCESS Level:

$75 Registration Includes:

-Commitment Shirt

-Recipe List for the 30-day challenge

-Access to the App

-Daily Encouragement Post & Conversation


$100 Registration Includes:

-Commitment Shirt

-Recipe List for the 30-day challenge

-Access to the App

-Daily Encouragement Post

-Group Chat Support

-Daily Group Chat Check in’s

-Food Prep Sunday Funday on Zoom


$125 Registration Includes

-Commitment Shirt

-Recipe List for the 30-day challenge

-Access to the app

-Daily Encouragement Post

-Group Chat Support

-Daily Group Chat Check in’s

-Food Prep Sunday Funday on Zoom

-Weekly 1hr Zoom Mindset Coaching Call

- Journal Activities

- Weekly Individual Check In’s

- Temptation Text Support

- Learning style quiz



NEXUS will be hosting its first-ever COMPETITION! Who: You and any other athletes who want to join! What: There will be two different workouts to compete in during the day at 3 different levels of skill. Athletes get to sign up with a partner to compete with for BOTH workouts in their preferred level. Level 1

is for Beginner Athletes: Workout #1 at 11am & Workout #2 at 1:30pm Level 2 is for Intermediate Athletes: Workout #1 at 11:30am & Workout #2 at 2pm Level 3 is for Advanced Athletes: Workout #1 at 12pm & Workout #2 at 2:30pm When: April 29th from 10am- 4pm Practice Comp on April 15th at 11am. *At least one athlete from each registered team must be present to get the Comp Workouts. Where: NEXUS Community Fitness & Performance Training 1026 S Tejon St Colorado Springs CO, 80903 Extras: We will have awards for the 1st-place winners! Goodie Bags for all participants Competition Shirts for sale Food trucks all-day Open seating for people who want to watch and support the athletes!

Register Here:


NEXUS is running its first round of CMB on March 23rd, 6-8pm! This 2-hour class goes over the compound barbell movement techniques you need to safely perform weightlifting movements. From how to correctly do a deadlift to proper snatch technique, NEXUS educates you on injury prevention, how to recognize faults, and how to safely bail out. We highly recommend this educational class if you are performing any weightlifting movements in your workouts, in the gym or at home.

Join Kelsey on Tuesday, March 21st at 6:30pm for a night focused around setting intentions! Celebrate the new pink moon and prepare for the upcoming NEXUS Paleo 30 Challenge. You can use this hour to connect with your body and get clear on your personal goals for the challenge. Please join us even if you do not plan to participate in the Paleo 30 Challenge, as this will still be a beautiful, unique celebration. Yin yoga is a practice that taps into a calm awareness, rather than challenging balance or rhythmic flow. Yin yoga helps release physical tension and unblock stagnant energy by allowing for more time to be spent in each pose, which promotes a deeper stretch.

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